May 2021 – Newsletter

May 2021 – Newsletter

Promo Team member Jason Hammond recently visited the renowned linear fisheries to sample some of the hugely reputable fishing it has on offer, take a look at what he had to say about the session…

I turned up to a full complex and decided my best chance of getting a bite would be on one of the Brasenose lakes, finally ending up in swim 1 on B2.

48 hours passed without a single bleep, this was enough for me to anticipate a move. Once it had been vacated I moved into swim 6, plumbed up and deployed rigs at 125 yards.

To my surprise nothing occurred for the first 24hrs then that evening, 2 fish in a matter of minutes a 21lb 4oz and a 24lb 4oz both of which mirrors, unfortunately nothing else for the rest of the night.

The following day passed without signs of a carp then at 6.30am the next morning the left hand rod rattled off.  A long heavy battle ended with a large framed mirror rolling over the net cord tipping the scales to 38lb 8oz.

My tactics after landing this one however changed, I decided to put out 3 zigs due to the weather having switched with the fish moving to the far side of the lake.

Out went my rods at 36 wraps in the hope of picking one off. I chose mid water as a starting point with yellow foam hook baits and to my surprise within 10 minutes one of the rods was away, a 20lb mirror followed by a mid 30 shortly afterwards certainly cheered me up.

With the zig action slowing I switched back to bottom baits using the 25lb autumn camo skinline in conjunction with the GV5 hook German rig style on all three rods.

A couple more fish the following morning 19lb & 22lb respectively.

All in all a tough week with lots of spodding at range I’m extremely shattered and ache from head to toe but  made the most of the situation I was is in and did what I could to keep the bites coming.

Being consistent with my baiting and switching from one tactic to another seemed to pay off in the end.

Product Focus - Vardis Fluorocarbon

Great for incorporating into a variety of set ups, its sheer invisibility in all manner of water clarities and unique light refraction properties make it a fantastic all round hooklink.

It has inherent semi stiff properties due to its low memory, making it hard to eject, tangle free & self re setting. 

Perfect for fishing over a multitude of lake & river beds, compatible with all manner of hook pattern and suitable for a variety of specimen hunting.

Available in 15, 20 and 25 lb (dia. 0,35 / 0,40 &
0,45 mm) With 20 meter’s on a spool.

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